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The secret I will explain here is so simple, but it has made a lot of internet marketers rich overnight. You can start this business with $ 10 and make as much as $ 400 or more the same week. Every week big internet marketers are always doing big launches. By this I mean that they will release a product and get many other marketers to email their list about the product. By doing so, they make millions of dollars. This is the reason you would hear an Internet marketer say that the day or week he launched his material, he made $ 500,000 or so. The point is this, whenever an Internet marketer releases a product, he spends most of the time in getting other fellow marketers to assist him in launching the product and as a result could make millions in a matter of days.
Since a big internet marketer is launching his material on a particular day, thousands of people are going to be visiting that website which also means that thousands of people are going to type the wrong domain name. For example Anaeto Uwadi has a product called that he launches once in a while. This year he has released the material just 3 times and it sells for $ 1997.
Now let us assume that on the 25th of April he is going to be launching this material. I can bet you that before that launch he would have informed many of his subscribers, clients and guru marketers about it so that on the day of the launching, thousands of people will rush to that site. Which means many people will at first type the wrong domain name. If you are extra wise you will need to become an affiliate of that product and then create a similar domain name like Be rest assured that those who are going to visit might make a mistake and type which will redirect them to your site and you will make commission each time they buy.
All you need is to be very current to know when a big internet marketer is about to launch a product and you will be on your way to making quick cash from the internet. This is a secret internet marketers would not want you to discover.