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Part and parcel of hard sell marketing is the belief in the necessity and benefit of competition. It has been assumed that competition is natural to being human and that it is competition that has created the wealth and prosperity we experience in America.
The problem with competition is that it's usually understood as two competitors vying for a single prize. There can only be one winner. The intent is to outdo the competitor and prevent him or her from gaining the only prize.
This comes from an unconscious basis of a scarcity mentality and leads to brutality-emotional, physical and spiritual brutality.
But some people say that competition spurs people on to greater excellence - like two tennis players using each other to improve their skills. And skill improvement does happen. But there is no contest going on. There is no prize being sought that only one person can obtain.
The first dictionary definition of competition is - to strive to outdo another for acknowledgment, a prize, supremacy, profit, etc.; to engage in a contest.
Competition is all about top-down control. The top controls everything below and everyone below controls, or strives to control everyone below them. Otherwise how is the prize won, and, more important, kept? How is status and position achieved and maintained? For that matter, what does status and position even mean without a hierarchical structure?
Soft sell marketing is about connection rather than competition. In connection there is abundance:
 by default in that the scarcity of a single prize no longer applies;
through relaxation in that you don't have to be wary of losing rank;
and by extension through yourself and others into the vast world of possibility and promise.
This is a paradigm shift, as Shakespeare would say, "devoutly to be wished."
So instead of wishing, let's all make it happen.
What are your thoughts? How can you move this conversation, this paradigm shift along?