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As you look to build your career as a successful, home-based and online marketer, what learning can you can gain from successful brand positioning of recognised and long standing brands in the marketing world?
In this article, the experienced brand author and business coach, George, identifies some core values consistent with successful brands over time. The application of these values in your internet marketing business will enable you to position yourself for profit, success and sustainable, recurring income.
Internet entrepreneurs can benefit from the application of the following brand positioning attributes:
 Value 1- The Inner 'You':  Focus on your core personality, your very own brand DNA. Identify within yourself what drives you, what makes you unique and what were the crucial development steps in your life that made you the person you are today. Try to clarify and remain true to the values that you want your brand to stand for. Make this easily accessible to your audience because a personalised brand will always appeal more to those who can identify with its key messages than one without an obvious value system.
 Value 2- Your Beliefs: Without expressing peripheral or insensitive views, let your personality shine through. The more obvious you make your belief system, the more readily your target audience will respond to it. In this sense, you need to begin treating your brand like a cult; don't hesitate to assign a higher value to your brand.
Value 3- Your Product and Your Offer: Emphasise why what you're offering as an internet marketer is unique and interesting. Positively and proactively position your brand so that your target audience can easily begin to develop a relationship with your unique brand. Ensure that products and services with which you affiliate your business are compatible with your brand persona. Keep the faith !
Value 4 - Consistency: Identify a recurring interaction that your target audience can have with your brand, or a ritual. This could be the weekly email, newsletter or blog that you issue, an interesting feature on the homepage of your site, or something more creative entirely. In any case, your audience will take comfort in the presence of these rituals because they offer regular and genuine contact with your brand, which is also good for you as an entrepreneur because it will, over time, mean that trust and awareness of your brand increases.
 Value 5 - Know What You are Not : An important tool in defining your brand is to identify its antithesis. In our everyday lives, we come across hundreds of examples of paradox and contrast which help us to understand what we stand for and believe in. Are you a coffee or a tea drinker in the morning? I-Phone or Blackberry? Do you shop in the supermarket or at smaller, privately owned stores? Vilify and deny the opposing values and beliefs to your own and you will create a more crystallised brand with a strong sense of identity.
Value 6 - Positioning Your Brand with Appropriate Vocabulary, Tone and Style: Know who your audience are, what they are looking to gain from your brand, and speak to them in a personalised, accessible way so as not to alienate them with marketing jargon.
Value 7 - Demonstrate Leadership: Always remember that you will need to give to gain. Give advice to gain trust and faith in your brand. Share your views and values with your audience and position yourself as an expert. Add value always.Â
By following these tested brand lessons from successful business learning, you can build empathy, loyalty, trust and importantly profit streams in the way you position brand "You". Â