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If you are sick and tired of seeing pages full of generic guy tattoos, I assure you that you're not alone. You would not believe how many men get caught up in sites that fill their servers with tons of cookie cutter junk, because all those places care about is stuffing their pages with as much artwork as possible. One extremely minor change in how you "look" for guy tattoos can open up a brand new world of crisp, well drawn designs, though.
I'm not going to leave you hanging on that statement. I am going to supply you with the exact way of pulling up the best available artwork sites. There are a lot more of them than you think, too. The reason that most men never find them is simple: Too may of us are still attempting to take the easiest route, by using search engines. You can continue using them if you want to, but don't be surprised when three hours go by and you've seen the same generic guy tattoos over and over again. That's the only type of gallery that pops up in their lists anymore.
If you haven't been using search engines, then more power to you, because you're not missing out on anything. Whatever the case may be, I still have one more very valuable tip to spill. It involves something you are probably familiar with, too: Large forums, which are sensational at leading you to top notch galleries. The bigger, the better. It may sound a little weird, but once you see what I'm talking about, you'll use them day in and day out when looking for amazing guy tattoos. To keep a long story short, big forums are filled to the brim with past topics about tattoo artwork, and all of these topics can be pulled up from their archive section.
That's where people have people talking back and forth about everything relating to tattoo art and you have access to all of it. You only have one job. Pick out a couple of the bigger topics and dive inside. Scan the posts at your leisure, because the more you go through, the more names and links of amazing galleries you can find. All kinds of superb artwork sites have been shared by other tattoo enthusiasts, giving you a new and improved way to finding original, top quality guy tattoos. Go ahead and compare the artwork you find this way to the generic stuff that search engines would have been throwing at you.
It's like night an day, and no sane person should have to weed through mountains of generic guy tattoos.