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It can be a daunting task on the first day of school when you are presented with a few hundred new kids whose names you don't know. It gets more and more complicated when you have students with the same first name as students in other classes.
Play the Name Game with your class on day one. This is a nearly surefire way to not only break the ice but also show the students that you care enough to learn their names and that you
Start by telling them your name. Then say what your favorite food is. Next go to the first student in class and ask them what their name is. Then ask them what their favorite food is. Repeat their name, and their favorite food, and then say your name again and what your favorite food is. Continue this process throughout the entire class. The challenge will be to remember the first students at the end of the list once you're on the last students.
Why it works: Because you are repeating the list of names over and over again it helps to drill the names into you head. Adding the favorite food keeps things fun, because you will get your kid's attention and probably make them hungry at the same time. By associating the student's name with a food you establish a mental marker in your mind that helps you remember the name.
If you can't remember their name, you might be able to picture what their food was, and then you will remember speaking their name along with their food and the name will come to you. For this reason, don't let students choose the same food as someone else in the class. It won't do you any good if you are just using pizza as the same mental picture for every student.
It also works because it gets the students involved and breaks the usual tension that exists on the first day. Maybe the students had their own expectations of how the first day would go. They probably didn't think they would be asked what their favorite food was. If you choose, you can ask a student to try and go through the entire class full of names and favorite foods to see if anyone can do it. They certainly will be surprised by a challenge of remembering all the names of the students in their class. They won't be forgetting your class any time soon.
You can change the game up pretty easily by having the students say their favorite band or singer, or song, or their favorite place. Anything that enables them to show their uniqueness, and anything that you can picture in your mind.