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Never be scared to put your name out there. If it's your business, it implies you are backing it up and if you don't people will not believe in you or your business.
Do you believe in your Internet Marketing business? Do you believe in your online marketing strategies? Are you helping people or just looking to deceive them and run with their money?
If you know the answers to those question, now you definitely know if you are going to put your signature right under the name of your online business' name.
Personal Branding is giving your business a reputation and why now use the reputation that you have already gained as a person with all the people you know already. Statistically speaking, by the age of thirty you know at least a thousand people. It might sound insane to some of us, but is not. Think about your friends, your coworkers, your doctors, neighbors, gym buddies, grocery shop attendant, people where you get your haircut, your favorite spots to hang out, church, sports' club, etc. Once you start putting names down or description of the person if you can't remember their name, you'll see that the numbers are right.
So why not profit from that 'work' you have done already branding your own personal persona and put your signature next to your online business name which will say that you stand behind your services and that way you give a huge boost to your business' profitability just by awarding it with a brand identity.
Now, you have two profiles on all the Social Media websites that backs one another up. Work it from all fronts.
It is very important to fill out your profile completely and put all the information you want on those pages and you need to do that to identify your brand. That's what personal branding is all about. And Social Media's like LinkedIn, Facebook and MySpace have vanity URL's that add your name to your URL page on their website, which helps tremendously because Google PageRank loves those websites and if anyone is looking for your name or any word that's included in your company's name, your page will usually pop up on Google search in the first searches.
Your name is one of the most effective Personal Branding! Use it as a trampoline for your Internet Marketing business.