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Since in invention of the Internet (and cheaper marking methods like email), direct mail examples have become less popular with entrepreneurs who are always looking for the best way to cut down wastage in their marketing.
But there are often times when its a good ideas to send out a direct mail piece to a list of your best customers, because there is just not that much competition for their snail mail box these days.
In the direct mail examples below you will find a list of top tips to make your mailing more successful.
1. Targeting Your List: The biggest thing that is going to bring you a good result in your direct marketing is a laser focused list. I often watch a TV ad for a new perfume and think how wasteful the marketing is because half the population is not interested. Its your job to only target people with a 90% chance of buying. If you cannot do this forge about direct mail.
2. Copywriting: Make sure that you research the hot buttons of your market and that your copy is top rate. The best way to test your stuff is using 2 different versions with a google adwords ad and see which one pulls in the most response.
3. Dont Forget the Call to Action: I see this in so much copy, you need to tell the prospect what to do next. Every time, no excuses...
4. Testing: I mentioned this before but its so crucial I want to go over it again. You need to test an retest every piece of direct mail before you send it out. The Internet makes this process easy and cheap so dont just guess what is going to work.
5. Dont do Hype: People hate it, just tell the truth.
6. Errors in Your Copy: Get a professional proofreader to go over your stuff, 10% of people are really hot on grammar and will throw your stuff in the bin if its not perfect.
7. The Headline: If this is weak your direct mailing will never get read. Work super hard on the headline.
8. Style Over Substance: Many people work for hours on the design and forget the sales massage. Remember that ugly often sell best!
Final thoughts.
I hope you can use these direct mail examples to bring in more sales and more success for your business.
For even more copywriting advice see the links below.