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Many companies clients initially call my company because they want a website design or a new logo. Often their motivation is because they are losing market share or their word-of-mouth referrals have gone down or their competition has stepped up their marketing.
And a website design and new logo are very powerful tools to drive business to your company. But, on their own, will not create long-term, sustainable growth for their company.
For this, it takes the comprehensive power of branding.
To meet their business growth goals and increase their revenue, we take our clients through a process to create a comprehensive marketing and branding strategy. It starts with an assessment and industry/competitor research. From there, we create our branding recommendations. These are action steps that our clients take to communicate their brand to their target audience.
A strong branding and marketing strategy is an investment that will pay dividends for years to come.
And so that we're all on the same page, when I say brand, I mean the emotional connection that your customers have with you. It's their immediate recognition of your logo, website, and other marketing materials. It's their fierce loyalty to your company. It's the ease with which your customers can spread the word.
Let me give you the perfect example of brilliant branding. Apple. Think about the Mac users you know. Now go to a couple of them and casually suggest that they switch to a PC. Then stand back a little.
Listen to them rant. Watch them turn all red in the face. Smell the angry sweat. And feel the waves of indignation.
Now that's the power of effective branding.
As information continues to bombard us and consumers face infinite choices, services and products quickly become indistinguishable commodities. A strong brand is what will make your company stand out in a very, very crowded marketplace.
Strengthen your brand to powerfully communicate your company's value. People ultimately make their buying decisions based on emotions, not logic. So you want your brand to powerfully connect with them on an emotional level.
The best brands are memorable, authentic, meaningful, differentiated, sustainable, and recognizable. So make sure your company carefully orchestrates its marketing to impact your customers and prospects across many different touchpoints from your logo to your website to your brochure. Over time, they will develop powerful loyalty to your brand, which will enhance sales, customer retention, and word-of-mouth referrals.
Take Away Point: Good brands build powerful companies. Ineffective brands undermine success.