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Keys to a successful interview
The importance of being prepared
The key to fairing well in an interview is to be truly prepared, whether they be in answering tricky questions, general questions or the interview answer questions.
The best way to go about the whole interview process is to be prepared for all kinds of situations and with interview answer questions and give the impression of having achieved all this effortlessly.
No matter what the situation and how tricky it might seem for you to deal with the situation. You must be confident in whatever answer you give and make it sound believable.
You have to avoid being a nervous wreck and on the other hand you must not even go overboard in your confidence level as far as the Interview answer questions are concerned.
There are actually a few broad categories based on which most questions are asked by an interviewee.
The interview answer questions all have the same crux in a category and have to be prepared with similar intentions. Some of the most common categories include:
 Work history related questions: These would include such interview answer questions such as "Previous working experience", "why did you leave or were removed from your prior position?", "What kind of responsibilities can you handle?", "What do you look for in a boss"
You must remember that all your answers in this category of interview answer questions must be professional based and do not stir into your personal life or details, the interviewee is on most occasions not really interested.
Also, your answers should be well thought of and thus you must be prepared with these kinds of answers beforehand to tackle them best. You must be to the point and avoid beating around the bush.
 More personal questions about you and your personality: These interview answer questions will include those such as, "What are you weaker points?", "What are your major strengths?", "Are you able to handle stress and pressure?", "Tell us more about yourself", "What does success mean to you?", and "What are your motivations?"
Answers to this category of interview answer questions; even though these are trickier than the previous ones it will not do you good to take ages to complete your response to them. They have to be short but pleasing to hear for the interviewee.
This is where you have to present an honest outlook to answers. You have to keep in touch with reality yet not make it look undesirable.
 Questions related to the new job: These interview answer questions will pertain to the new job that you are looking for; which will include, "Why does this job appeal to you?", "Why should we hire you?", "Are you over qualified for this particular position?", "What do you know about this company?"
Here's the most crucial part of the entire process...