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Bathrooms and kitchens are often the most popular rooms in a home to remodel. This is because they are utilitarian rooms with a specific purpose and an upgrade in the space adds a lot of value to the home. Updates can make living in your home more comfortable and in many cases; the change can save you money over the time you are there. If you have faulty appliances or problems that need fixing, they may be wasting energy or it may lead to greater expense in the long run. The longer you let a problem go, the more likely it is to cause greater damage and cost a lot more money. If you are working to update your bathroom, begin by contacting a professional plumber. Plumbing will help you get your problems solved so you can move on to other projects in your remodel.
A simple change to make in the bathroom is to change the paint color. Paint is a big impact change, but rarely takes a lot of money or effort to accomplish. It is important to choose the right kind of paint for a bathroom because the room gets steamy and paint can peel if not applied properly. It is also a good idea to choose a glossy type of paint, which makes the walls easier to wipe down and keep clean. Paint colors for bathroom used to be lighter or more tropical, but feel free to choose whatever color makes you happy. It is a small space, so the thinking is to often keep the color lighter so the space does not feel cramped, but darker hues can create an intimate, relaxing look. Let the overall feeling you want to accomplish guide your paint color choice.
Next, upgrade the fixtures. Upgraded fixtures are small changes, but they can make a big difference in the efficiency and style of the room. Old-fashioned fixtures are going to give your bathroom a classic, antique look, while high-shine features will give it a more modern look. Older fixtures have a tendency to have dirt and grime built up on them, no matter how often you clean. New fixtures give your bathroom a fresh, new look.
Replacing your bathtub is a big investment, but it can make a major difference in the look and style of the room. Colored bathtubs are a great way to create an edgy style in the space but white or beige tubs can also give the room a clean look. If your current tub is in good shape, but you would like to give it a slightly different look, consider painting the tub. Speak with a home improvement professional about tub painting because special products and an elaborate process are required.
Finish the remodeled bathroom off with new accessories. Choose items that match the overall decor of the room and items that help you organize your new space. Shopping for accessories is fun, so take a few hours to browse the entire collection of products that are available.