Solo Professional Marketing Tips - Is Your Personal Brand Hitting a Roadblock?

Solo Professional Marketing Tips - Is Your Personal Brand Hitting a Roadblock?

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 Solo Professional Marketing Tips - Is Your Personal Brand Hitting a Roadblock?


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What makes a brand great and memorable?

The first thing that comes to mind is usually a fancy logo design, color selection, tag lines, and the perfect photo for your website header, right?

Wait a second . . . WRONG!

What it's really all about is you, the person! Your potential and current clients buy because their needs and desires are a match for you. Something about you resonates with them and they feel an emotional connection.

There is so much marketing noise in the world today, and people really want to experience a personal connection with you before they are willing to buy from you. The key word is personal, especially for solo professionals.

But creating a personal brand can be challenged by internal blocks, or at least detours. For example, we're often conditioned to create what is logical, or what we think others want to hear. We're afraid to be personal or bold from fear of rejection. When in fact, our brand should attract those we want to work with, and repel those less than ideal clients.

That blocks our brand, and it can lead to less than ideal clients, lack of fulfillment, and a struggling business.

So how do you work through those blocks and detours to create a brand that is truly you? Begin by thoughtfully answering these questions:

What is one of your most important intentions for your business? Simply begin with the statement I intend to, and create your intention. If you're not sure, list several and then rank them in order of importance.

What are some potential conflicting intentions that might be holding you back? For example: My intention is to fill my business with ideal clients. But if I do that, I will have to promote myself and I can't market or sell. Or, I'm not good enough to serve these clients.

Who are one or two close, supportive friends that you could share these conflicting intentions with? Ask for their help in recognizing if these are genuine fears or unfounded concerns. Brainstorm ideas to address the problems.

What is unique and memorable about you? Be bold! Describe what makes you stand out from the crowd. Think about the compliments you receive, your natural talents, and topics you never tire of talking about.

What would others say are your top five personality traits? Email at least 5 people (friends, family, colleagues, even clients) and ask them two things. Ask what your top five traits are, and ask them to describe a unique experience they've had with you. You might be surprised what a different perspective can yield.