Why Breastfeeding is Important For Your Baby

Why Breastfeeding is Important For Your Baby

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 Why Breastfeeding is Important For Your Baby


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Modern women avoid breastfeeding her baby and feel it as an unacceptable and distressing. They give up feeding quickly because artificial milk is readily available in the market. It is seen that in cities women are prejudiced against breastfeeding due to the following reasons:

1. They feel shy to breastfeeding in public place.

2. They feel it is primitive or unfashionable to breastfeed.

3. Working women do not breastfeed since they have to get back to the place of work.

4. They lack knowledge of breastfeeding.

5. Educated women from hi-tech cities are often brought up in an environment where women do not breastfeed as a rule.

6. Women from high societies do not consider breastfeeding fashionable.

7. Women generally believe that there is a biological reason for inadequate milk secretion and are discouraged and give up breastfeeding.

8. Women generally complain that their sleep is disturbed as they have to feed their baby at night, especially for the initial few months after delivery.

What to do?

Some mothers feed their baby with artificial milk before sleeping. This is bad for the child's health. Breast milk is digested quickly being light and the baby may demand a feed during the night - may be more often than once. But you may feel less disturbed if you:

1. Sleep early. You will then feel rested even if you wake up two or three times in the night.

2. Do not wear a bra during the night.

3. Keep the baby near you.

Nature has provided every woman with the potential to breastfeed in abundance. So make use of this god-given gift. Mother's milk is the most balanced food containing every thing that your baby needs initially. It helps in the optimum growth of your baby without making him fat. It helps in the prevention of many diseases, infections and allergies.

Breastfeed provided by nature is secreted by the mother in accordance with the child's requirement, which is small during the first few days after birth and gradually increases. Hope, this article will help you to know why breastfeeding is important. Remember, mother's milk is the best food for the baby, so do not discourage breastfeeding you baby.

Disclaimer: This article is not meant to provide health advice and is for general information only. Always seek the insights of a qualified health professional before embarking on any health program.

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