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An Image setter is a printer or typesetting machines that help to produce professional quality text with ultra high-resolution. Similarly, screen plate setters help in streamlining processing and additionally help to improve print quality for many different applications including labels and flexible packages as well as cartons and much more.
Desktop Publishing
Desktop publishing makes use of micro-computers that help to edit, create and even lay out reports and newsletters as well as books, magazines, brochures and different kinds of publications. The end result is that with the help of desktop publishing a business is able to produce top-notch publications without needing to outsource the work. This gives the business greater control over its operations and projects.
Is A Word Processor Good Enough?
Today, many exciting word processing programs have made life for a business as well as for individuals a whole lot easier. Microsoft Word and Word Perfect are household names and each has the ability to perform routine desktop publishing tasks. Businesses can now use these programs to create outstanding publications by changing fonts, font sizes, graphics and templates to create impressive reports and other documents.
Modern word processing software now incorporates many of the features that are found in dedicated desktop publishing programs. Therefore, it is now possible with word processors, to do things such as rotate graphics, draw pictures and shape text as well as change text to wavy forms or to form semi-circles. Even so, if there is need for top quality printouts then it is necessary to use dedicated desktop publishing software such as Quark X-Press and Page Maker.
These programs offer far greater capabilities and are therefore useful when one needs to print out documents that require more intricate work. With desktop publishing software it is possible to specify size as well as location of objects based on incremental degrees and text. Additionally, graphics can be controlled with greater precision. Such programs also provide users with a variety of tools that can help in drawing an object in different shapes and even rotating objects. Scaling, skewing as well as cropping photographs can be handled with greater precision with dedicated desktop publishing software.
Special Effects
If there is need to use special three-dimensional effects or if it is necessary to morph then special desktop publishing software is ideal to achieve just this. Of course, before investing time and money in desktop publishing software it is important to look at the pros and cons of it. On the plus side, such software offers greater control over publications, ensures more inexpensive publications and it is also possible to quickly produce transparencies as well.
The downside includes the setup expenses for various hardware and software and there is also need to learn how to use such desktop publishing software. The time it takes to learn depends on individual aptitude but it can take a while before getting the hang of things. However, if publishing top quality documents and other material is a major concern, then there is nothing better than good desktop publishing software that will give a chance to develop and refine important publications. This will give a business the competitive edge that will justify the expense and effort that goes into using good desktop publishing software.