Tips on Do it Yourself Mold Removal

Tips on Do it Yourself Mold Removal

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 Tips on Do it Yourself Mold Removal


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Does your house have a major mold problem? Then it is highly recommended that you hire a mold removal professional, and that is for several reasons. First, mold can cause health hazards. The combination of mold and the harsh chemicals used to get rid of mold can cause a broad variety of health issues including respiratory problems and aggravated allergies. Also, mold remediation can sometimes be really hard if you do not know the proper techniques to use.

But if the problem is not severe, and you would rather try to do it yourself, here are a few tips on how to get rid of the mold. First, you will want to turn off your ventilation systems, because these can spread the mold spores throughout the house. Make sure that the room is still well ventilated so that you can breathe well, though. Next, you will need to get some protective gear so that the mold will not affect your health.

You will want to wear disposable plastic gloves, a half-face respirator with a HEPA filter, and goggles or some other form of protective eyewear. You will also want to wear plastic disposable full body clothing such as a lab coat, and rubber boots or foot coverings.

Now that you are ready, you will want to clean and disinfect everything in the room, and then let it dry out completely. You will want to wash off non-porous surfaces such as metal, glass, solid wood, and plastic with hot water and a non-ammonia detergent. If you are cleaning surfaces that are not wet, you will want to mist them lightly with water before you clean them. This is because it is easier for dry mold spores to become airborne than wet ones.

If the mold spores become airborne, they can lay dormant for months and then re-infest your house later. Disinfect items by using either bleach and water, or alcohol. Finally, let the surfaces dry. Drying can take anywhere from a few days to a week, but if some mold spores were not cleaned off, they will not be able to grow again if the surfaces are dry.

Carpets, upholstery and other porous items are harder to clean. You will need to clean them, disinfect them, and then wait for them to totally dry. If you see any re-growth of mold, you will either have to throw that item away or get a mold removal professional.