The Top Pageant Interview Questions

The Top Pageant Interview Questions

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 The Top Pageant Interview Questions


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Competing in a Pageant is nerve-racking enough, and then there is the Question and Answer portion of the competition.  You have spent an incredible number of hours preparing yourself.  You know that you have the perfect gown, perfect hair, and a perfect body ready for the pageant.  The day of the pageant has arrived and you know that you have done just about everything in your power to look your best.  And then there is the Question and Answer portion...

There are plenty of reasons why beauty pageant questions have so much fear and anxiety built around them.  You have to expect the unexpected!  Many girls train for years to be fully prepared to answer whichever pageant interview questions come their way.  The last thing that you ever want is to kick butt in the beginning of the pageant just to have it completely squashed by your STUTTERING, NERVOUS response.  We all remember what happened to Miss South Carolina like it was yesterday.

This is our biggest fear when we get on stage!  One of the biggest beauty pageant secrets is that you have to prepare for all the possible interview questions, so this does not happen to you.  Here are a list of several of most frequently asked beauty pageant questions.

Question #1.) What famous person is your personality most like?

Question #2.) Who is your biggest role model?

Question #3.) What quality do you like most about yourself and why?

Question #4.) What is the biggest challenge to young people today?

Question #5.) Name 3 words that describe you and explain how.

Question #6.) What is the one feature you would change about yourself and why?

Question #7.) What is your definition of success?

Question #8.) If you could be on the cover of any magazine, which would you chose and why?

Question #9.) If you could only bring 1 possession with you on a deserted island, what would it be and why?

Question #10.) What community organizations are you involved in? Why is that important?

Question #11.) If you could have dinner with celebrity, dead or alive, who would it be and why?

Proper planning for pageant interview questions like these will make the difference between being embarrassed in front of your friends, family, and the rest of the audience and WINNING the entire pageant.  You have to have a plan to answer any question that may come your way!  That may sound overwhelming, but you need to have great resources.