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It is not optional any more. The perception that other people have of you is now determined largely by what they see about you on the internet. For many people it can be a huge challenge to manage their brand online. Here is some advice on how to get a good start with building your online brand.
The first step is to ask yourself what you would like your brand to be. Most people mix up their brand with their work, or think that it is purely their professional capabilities that make up their brand. There are several more dimensions to it, like your values, and why you do what you do. This is a personal consideration, and something you should take your time with.
When you have written down your personal brand statement, spend some time and effort with social media. There are many opportunities for social media, but be aware that the emphasis is on "social", meaning that contributions must be thought-provoking and original. Having old social media pages is almost as bad as not having them at all. There are of course some social media web pages that are more important than others. LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook are the most used, but be cautious how you employ them, and how you communicate with others.
What contributions should you make on social media websites? This is where you can stand out from the crowd, and talk about some diverse perspectives, accomplishments, difficult case studies or any circumstances where you applied your professional capabilities. You can also write some about yourself, like your community involvement, events in your neighborhood, or your visiting other places. But unless you are targeting a certain target market, don't talk about questionable topics like politics, because controversy is mostly a negative brand influence.
Along with investing time in social media, it is crucial to launch a personal website, with your name in the URL. Not only does it give you total control over what you want to write (and not having to submit to the guidelines of the social media websites), but it gives you the opportunity to have the website a look and feel that is unique to you and your brand. It also enables easy online promotion, especially if your name is competitive. Your website should have a lot of content that is relevant to your area of expertise. This is one domain that should be easy to find, and should have the type of quality content that identifies you as an expert in your specialty.
Once you have established yourself and your brand on the internet with social media and your own website, the next step is to publicize yourself, and drive interested parties to your website and social media pages. By interacting with other people on your social media platforms, but also at other places, like on blogs and in discussion forums, you will generate some interest if your comments are relevant and add value. Be careful not to promote yourself in social media, it is the equivalent of doing it at a pool party, and normally won't work, and will affect your brand negatively.
It is important to get started as soon as possible. Your brand, like most other brands, takes time to gain recognition and gain value, and needs ongoing work and reinforcement. Try these suggestions, and you will be known as an authority in your field with a strong brand.