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Lets face it everyone is worried about it people who have jobs, are afraid they might lose it because of the recession; the ones who don't are worried they might not get one because the Job market is bad these days. People from every country are being affected by the current situations, and it all started when America faced a downfall in the economy. A very large number of people were cut out of their jobs; imagine the depression these jobless people might have gone through.
The Resume/Curriculum Vitae
Now most of you'll are like "Duh" we already knew that a Resume and a Curriculum Vitae are the same thing with different names. Now stop, and continue reading. Both these documents are different!!! even though both documents have the same structure; Information, Education, Experience, Skills etc.
The Key Difference between the two are:
A Curriculum Vitae is a document which states in DETAIL the history of your Professional life. A Resume's is a short summary of your Professional Life.
The argument that which document is better has been going along for sometime, I'll try to clear the misunderstanding here.
The reason Resume's are preferred more is because no body has the time to read everything about you during an interview. Employers need just the highlights and nothing else because remember Time is money and the standard time for an interview will be from 10-30 minutes.
On the other hand the reason Curriculum Vitae are preferred because Employers who need Professionals like Doctors, Engineers etc need to know everything about the candidate before calling a candidate for an interview. As a Job Hunter always remember to analyze whether your employer will want to see just highlights or would want to know everything.
Getting leads!
A very obvious one but most important one! Spread the word out friends, family, well wishers etc all you are looking for is an interview. After you do that DON'T sit waiting for Bill Gates to give you a call. Buy a Newspaper and find for jobs!!!