How to Name a Gift Basket Business

How to Name a Gift Basket Business

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 How to Name a Gift Basket Business


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It is important that when you are setting up your gift basket company you give some serious thought to naming your new business. Your business name is an integral part of your businesses brand and will play a part in drawing in new customers as well as enhancing your reputation with existing customers. Your business name will come to represent a lot of accumulated goodwill over the years so it is important that you choose something appropriate. Here are some tips on how you can name your gift basket business.

1) Don't let you business name limit your future activity by being too specific. Including the owners name may complicate things when it comes time to sell. Including the name of the area that you serve as part of the business name can limit you if you want to expand into other areas.

While your name should state what it is that you do (gift baskets) don't be too specific by saying 'gourmet gift baskets' or 'baby shower gift baskets' unless you are certain that you won't also expand into other niches later on. This decision would make your name no longer fully appropriate.

2) Make sure that you come up with an original name so that you are not stepping on the toes of any other businesses and so that you can stand out against your competitors.

3) Check to see if there are suitable domain names available as you will definitely be building a website at some stage.

4) A good name should be memorable and easy to pronounce. Run some of your ideas past your friends and test them a week later and take note of whether they were able to remember your suggested names and whether they were able to pronounce them right.

5) Lastly you should choose a name that you will be proud to be associated with, something that inspires you to work hard and realize your dreams.

Once you have chosen a business name it can be really hard to change it further down the road and any re-branding that you do will come with an expensive price tag. So make sure that you come up with a great name right from the start to give you the best possible chance of succeeding with your gift basket business.