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From the marketing's point of view, Corporate Identity is the facade of the corporation or the company, which is designed to make the establishment easy and the success of a business. The company's name, logo, colours and slogans are the elements of a corporate identity, which are used to refer the visual distinctiveness of the corporation. The whole business and its place in the market are dependent on the Logos, signage and how efficiently the company launches and advertises it's product in the market.
To establish a corporate identity you first need to start a company and the most important thing is that whether you have sufficient resources or not. If you have adequate resources and finance, then take it to the local area registrar who would register your company. You also have to consider the requirements of the Company Law Ordinance or Local Law Provisions but it depends on the region of the world you are living in. The statutes regarding the formation of the company vary throughout the world.
If the registrar approves the proposal of your company and raises no objection then you can commence your business in the Market. After commencing the business there are certain requirements given by the Local Law Provisions which you have to fulfill like sufficient resources, capital, budget etc ( Depends on country to country). You will have to follow the local laws of the country to establish it firmly.
You must consider a few points while establishing your company like what would be the purpose of your corporation. It would be manufacturing, wholesale, or just import and export between the different companies of the world. To have a distinctive identity in the market you should think about the trademark of your corporation. The trademark should not match the logos, slogans and names of other companies and it should have its individual identity. For example, Bata is a worldwide famous company for making shoes due to its unique production, supply and trademark.
If you want to operate your company throughout the globe then you have to check local laws of the countries as well as various customs, cultures and conventions regarding the country.
While the same schemes would give you enough profit in European and Western countries on their local festivals like Christmas, Halloween etc. Local culture, climate and traditions all of them affect the policy of the corporation.
Then the next step is to advertise your company in the market. You can use the signboards, billboards and display screens to launch your product effectively. Hire graphic designers to make your boards and advertising more effect able to the people. Try to convey a special message synonymous to your product. There is another method known as outsourcing. In this case, you hire a firm for the advertisement purpose. Now it is up to the firm to advertise efficiently your product.
Corporate Identity is also the image of the corporation, which is very important to present itself in the national and international market. In such times of antagonism and competition in the field of business, the companies should consider the points to make their corporation exceptional and unique to excel.
In advertising, Bannner Stands are most influential type of outdoor advertising for the promotion of your business.