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Do you know what makes one blog better than the other? Is it the design, the content, the imagery? Below are ten tips to help you create a better blog using all three of those points.
Keep Posts On One Page
Don't break up a simple 800 word article into five (5) posts (or pages). It's extremely annoying and ridiculous. It's one thing to take a complicated subject and break it up into 5 articles, it's another thing to take a simple subject and break it up simply to create more web pages. If you have something to say, just say it.
Don't Keyword Stuff Your Post
Keyword stuffing is picking a word or phrase that you want the search engines to pick up on so that your web page ranks higher in the search engines. Stuffing your post with too many of these types of words can make it near impossible to read, let alone comprehend.
If you have a keyword or phrase you want the search engines to pick up on, use that word or phrase wisely. Use it in your post's title. Use it in the lead paragraph, use it somewhere in the middle of your post, use it at the end of your post. But don't use it for every other sentence of your post.
Think of it this way, if after writing your post, you read it out loud and you find it difficult to read, take out some of those keywords and phrases.
Include Photographs
Photographs, when they match the theme of your post, are attention getters. They break up the monotony of words, are visually stimulating, and can sometimes bring the point home better than any descriptive instruction.
This is especially true of sharing a craft idea. Think about it, how many times have you read a blog post that shared a tip on crafting, and you thought, "I sure wish there was a photograph to show how to do this?" Or "At the very least, the blogger could've shared a final project piece. Would've been nice to know what the project was supposed to look like."
Write Regularly
Nothing kills a readership more than going on constant hiatuses. You don't have to write a post every day, but you should, at the very least, write a post once a week. And if you only have time to update your blog once a month, put a note in the sidebar stating which day of the month you'll post and stick to it. That way, readers know what to expect and when to come back to your blog.
Stop Self-Promoting So Much
There is nothing wrong with telling your readers when you have a new workshop, product, or service. There is nothing wrong with drawing a little attention to your business or online shop, but don't make every post about what you can get out of your readers.
Share insights with your readers. Tell them something educational, inspirational, or just plain gossipy (within reason of course). Make your blog a two-way for communication.
Don't Skimp On The Post's Title
If you're writing a blog post every day, or a few times a week, it can be tempting to just date or number your posts, it may even be tempting to use a single word as the title. But don't do it.
Your post's title should give the reader some idea of what your post is about. If you're the creative type and can write attention grabbing headlines, go for it. If, however, you're like me and struggle in that area, just write something and descriptive. Like, "How To Create A Better Blog" or "My Time In Dollywood, Tennessee".
Stop Listing Posts By Month
Use your sidebar wisely. Instead of categorizing old posts by month or week, categorize them by theme. Seriously, how many times have you gone to a blog, saw the monthly archives and wished there was a simpler way to browse the archives on that blog?
Break Up Your Paragraphs
Make reading your blog posts easy on the eyes. Format your blog with plenty of white space. Break up your paragraphs into more manageable bits of information. Use bold sub-headings to draw the reader's attention to a specific area of the post. Use dot or numbered bullets when giving a list of ideas.
Hyperlink URLS
Don't be so afraid of losing traffic. If you're going to tell someone about a website or blog, make the web address clickable. If you don't want them to leave your page, then have the link open up in a new tab or web page by using the "target="_blank" code in the link's html coding.
Spell Check Your Content
Realize that every post will not be free of grammar and spelling issues. After all, our eyes sometimes gloss over things that are erroneous because our mind's eye knows exactly what we want to say and sees our content that way. So go ahead and accept the fact that not all posts are going to be 100 percent perfect.
But don't let that be an excuse to be lazy.
Take the time to read over your posts. Include proper capitalization and punctuations. And when in doubt over the spelling of a word, consult your dictionary. Or at the very least, go to Google and type "Define:Word" in the search engine's toolbar to see if your word is spelled correctly.
Earn Your Readers
In the end, your blog is only as good as the content you post. As Peter Rojas says, "earn your readers every single day" by providing content worthy of their time.