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Discipline for toddlers is one important issue that parents need to think about. Toddlers aged two to six years old are undergoing the normal development and throwing tantrums is considered part of the process. They exhibit behaviors such as screaming, crying, biting, throwing things, hitting and other actions that can hurt themselves or others. They are also at the stage that they are testing their limitations how far their tantrum can get them. It is important for parents to establish restrictions so toddlers will know early on where their boundaries lie.
One strategy parents can do as discipline for toddler technique is to establish threat and punishment.
This will be effective if parents can provide threat to toddlers that are realistic and not that far-fetched to happen. For example if your toddler is throwing things around the house or throwing his food on the table, you cannot say "If you do that again, you'll be left here and we'll all go to the carnival." Think of realistic threats like "we will not give you ice cream after dinner" or "you cannot watch your favorite TV show later".
Another important thing that parents need to remember is to be consistent. Toddlers should not always think that you are bluffing with your threat and you will not really execute the punishment. They will tend to repeat the offense over and over again.
Lastly, parents must not be emotional when they give punishment. This means that you don't need to yell at your toddler, just explain to them in a firm tone why their actions led for you to punish them. This way, it will be easier for them to understand why they are being punished.
Discipline for toddlers can indeed be tough for parents. Handling tantrums can really stressed out parents. Threat and punishment can be an effective tool in disciplining toddlers.