Tips to Successful Corporate Branding

Tips to Successful Corporate Branding

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 Tips to Successful Corporate Branding


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Branding is an important part of business. Every man who aspires to start a business should keep in mind to have a branding plan ready by the time the business is ready to start and be marketed to the public.

What Is Branding?

By definition, branding is the process in which the enterprise builds up an identity that is recognizable by the general public. When one is able to come up with a brand that the public will remember it for, then it has solidly planted itself on the ground. The brand will be the sole identity in which your efforts and operations will be centered.

Brand Name Is Not Enough

Some people think that the brand of a company is distinguishable by its name. That is only partly true; people will remember your name when you have a good brand going on, but what will enter their minds will be the products or services that you have put in the market for them.

Think of Nike, for example. When people hear the name "Nike, " the first thing they'll think of are the shoes that the company has put out into the stores instead of the Greek goddess of the same name. This means that people recognise Nike for its shoes and other related products, instead of the other way around.

This means that while creating a catchy name for your products, you have to think of a theme that will govern your product line. This theme should be implemented in all of your offers, as well as in any advertising campaign that you will undertake for your company and your products. You should be able to maintain this theme even when you expand your product line as your company grows.

Formulate a Slogan

After getting a brand name that is unique to your company, you should then start thinking about a slogan. Remember the theme that was discussed earlier? From that theme, you should start formulating a relevant slogan. This slogan should be able to express in a single sentence your company's mission, its vision, and what it plans to provide for the consumer's benefit.

Just like the name, the slogan should be original. It doesn't even have to boast your company as number one or the best among the others. Instead, you can try and look for something that the competition cannot claim to be and use it as a slogan for your company. For example, if you're up against the largest and the proven number one in your market, you could claim to be number two and find some reason for people to believe that you are better despite being lower in rank.

Create Your Company Logo

The last component of your company brand is your logo. The logo is the symbol of everything you do. It is recommended and practiced by all companies that the company logo should be designed as something that will remain the same all throughout the changes in your company.

In order to do that, create a logo that relates more to the name of your company rather than its products. That way, even if your product line changes, your logo can still remain the same.