Ferrets For Dummies info
Thinking about getting a ferret? Want to make sure you’re giving the ferret you already have the best possible care? Ferrets For Dummies helps you decide whether a ferret is for you and give your little fellah a healthy, happy home. It’s packed with practical information on feeding, housing, health maintenance, and medical care. This friendly, plain-English guide gives you the authoritative information you need in a cut-to-the-chase, quick-reference format. You’ll find the latest on appropriate diets for ferrets, dental hygiene, common ferret diseases and infections, and designing and establishing an enjoyable and enriching environment for both your ferret and yourself. You’ll also get solid tips about how to get to know your ferret and introduce it to other family members and how and when to give your ferret and his cage a good cleaning. Discover how to: Choose the perfect ferret Ferret-proof your house Handle ferret first-aid Make foods your ferret will love Deal with behav